Thursday, March 3, 2011

truly blessed.

God sure has blessed me with a great set of friends. One of my very best friends is heading to Honduras this Saturday for her spring break.

Not the typical college spring break huh?

She is heading to Honduras with T Bar M and gets the opportunity to minister and train the people for a camp they have planted.

I know Erinn doesn't like people to "talk her up" or anything of the sort, but this girl is on fire for the Lord. She is a walking and talking example of a follower Christ. I know that God has big things planned for her not only in Honduras, but when she gets back as well. I know that she is going to be a light to every person she comes in contact with over the break. I can't wait to see the outcome of her ministry and what God will do through her!  

So I hope that you will join me in prayer for her and the people in Honduras over these next few days.

Matthew 28:19