Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No more updates!

I haven't been writing on my blog for a few reasons. 1. I am very lazy and when I am not with the kids I want much needed sleep. 2. The more I update here the less I have to tell when I come home.

So this is the last post before I head back to the states.

I have had many adventures these past few weeks and I thank God for everyone of them. As my time here comes to a close I realize it's not just the kids I will miss. When you come here you don't think about the friends you will make or the way they will impact your life. I have made many friends here in Africa that I would have never met in the US. Two friends in particular I have become really close with. We are a family. Katie and Susan are two people I will be forever grateful for. These girls LOVE Jesus and are two people I know I can count on even if we are soon to be a world away.

I have eight days until I get on a plane back to America. I miss everyone back home, but I have not been homesick once. If that is not a sign from God that I am meant to be here more than a summer than I don't know what is!

Thank you God for the time you have allowed me to spend here this summer. Thank you for all of these kids and the Mama's who help look after them. Thank you for the friends I have made. Lord Jesus fill this place, these people, and these kids. I know you have it all covered when I leave just like you have it all covered now. Give me peace about leaving and keep working in my heart daily. Thank you thank you thank you God.