Sunday, April 24, 2011

23 Days

Time sure has flown by since I learned I was heading to Uganda for the summer. I remember opening the email months ago saying I was able to come. I can't believe this about to finally happen.

At this point it is getting hard to contain my excitement! It's a little embarrassing, but I have this little countdown thing on my computer that I check every day. Or every few hours (like it's going to magically jump ahead a few days).

I love opportunities to get out of my comfort zone. Or maybe the idea of them :) but to be honest I haven't even left the country yet and God sure has pushed me out of mine here. Speaking in front of the church was pretty difficult. There was so much more that needed to be said, but maybe it just wasn't the right timing.

I would've talked a little more about how I can't wait to love on these kids every single day. Read them bible stories that I read as kid. Clean poopy cloth diapers. Sing and dance and run around outside with them till the sun goes down. Clean more poopy cloth diapers. Then maybe tuck them in a sing them to sleep. Wake up and do it all again. To show them that there are people who do love them with everything in them and to help them see the unconditional and incomparable love of God. 

Oh man how I can't wait to be there.

Oh how I can't wait to see what God has in store.