Wednesday, July 27, 2011

No more updates!

I haven't been writing on my blog for a few reasons. 1. I am very lazy and when I am not with the kids I want much needed sleep. 2. The more I update here the less I have to tell when I come home.

So this is the last post before I head back to the states.

I have had many adventures these past few weeks and I thank God for everyone of them. As my time here comes to a close I realize it's not just the kids I will miss. When you come here you don't think about the friends you will make or the way they will impact your life. I have made many friends here in Africa that I would have never met in the US. Two friends in particular I have become really close with. We are a family. Katie and Susan are two people I will be forever grateful for. These girls LOVE Jesus and are two people I know I can count on even if we are soon to be a world away.

I have eight days until I get on a plane back to America. I miss everyone back home, but I have not been homesick once. If that is not a sign from God that I am meant to be here more than a summer than I don't know what is!

Thank you God for the time you have allowed me to spend here this summer. Thank you for all of these kids and the Mama's who help look after them. Thank you for the friends I have made. Lord Jesus fill this place, these people, and these kids. I know you have it all covered when I leave just like you have it all covered now. Give me peace about leaving and keep working in my heart daily. Thank you thank you thank you God.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

i know it's been 10 days.

sorry sorry sorry! (now i am sounding like a ugandan) I know it has been 10 days since I last wrote and a lot has happened. From sprained ankles to what we though was malaria to missing my kids downstairs! I was playing the Ugandan version of dodgeball, which by the way is 10000 times more fun than the American way, and well fell in a hole and sprained my ankle. On a positive note, my team one the dodgeball game! I have been sick in bed for the past few days with body aches, fever, headache, etc, but thankfully it's not malaria. It is some other kind of infection or something. No worries though because I have to take a total of 63 pills in 7 days and I will be better. Haha I just find it funny that I am taking 63 pills... This has been a rough few days. I miss my little toddler boys so much and I am only feet from them. I can here them outside of my window singing songs and playing. I will sneak downstairs every once in a while when I have a burst of energy and go and see my boys. Two days ago I walk around the corner and Christopher was the first one to see me. His face lit up and I am sure mine was making some ridiculous face because for that moment my focus was completely on the fact that I love this kid.. and that he was running full speed at my legs. I can't even think about they day I actually have to leave this place.

As I said before I am going to be back in Uganda in December. Oh goodness just typing that makes me so happy! God is faithful and has everything figured out already and I am trusting in the fact that He wants me here more than just this summer. Through lots of prayer, random moments of quietness (there isn't usually many), and just looking at these kids I know this will be home.    

Being here in Uganda or well I guess being anywhere outside of our normal comfort zone your perspective can get radically changed. Looking back on the first day I got here and even the months leading up to it I was just flat out naive. Rightfully so. I have never been here. I don't want to step on people's toes, because I am all for mission work. But I have seen people and teams come and go since I have been here. Taking pictures of our kids, video taping, and well anything other than actually interacting with them. I see mzungu missionaries in town taking pictures of street kids, but not actually asking them their names or even taking them for a soda. We want to be Jesus for these kids?  Buy them a coke and a piece of chocolate cake and talk to them. I am in no way putting myself above anyone I am just as guilty of passing up opportunities. The term "facebook opportunity" comes to mind. This shatters my heart. These kids are more than a facebook opportunity. Sometimes we can be so off base with our mission work.

My prayer is that our hearts be radically changed and our minds be open. That any expectations we have of what we can do for people be shattered. That we carry out the name of Jesus to the ends of the earth and make His name famous. Not our own. That we might show compassion and love to everyone person without missing an opportunity.

Monday, June 20, 2011

beads. headbands. bags.

Well if you read the last post you now know I have plans to be back in Ugandan for Christmas. I can't stay away from this place. These kids have taken hold of everything inside of me, and they aren't going to let go. I have such a peace about being in this place. If you are a Carpenter's Way member you heard me talk about this possibly being long term. Well I am here to say that I feel more than called to be in Uganda. This is my heart. Nothing has been more clear to me.

I have received so much support from every one of you. Whether it has been in prayer or financial ways. They are equally important! I cannot thank you enough for the all the blessings you have provided.

Here at Amani there are Ugandan women working here called the "mamas" and they make the most wonderful things from necklaces to purses and bags to headbands. Some of you have seen the bead necklaces they make. I will post pictures soon. They also make handbands which are in most of my pictures on Facebook and some of them make bags or purses. You can buy most of these things in the shops in town, but I would much rather support these women! They are some very talented ladies!

Now I would like to fundraise by bringing back these beautiful pieces of work these women have made by hand. I have already purchased some things from them, but I am going to continue to buy. Most of you know I sold t-shirts to fund my trip this summer. I will bring back an assortment of things to fundraise with. I wanted to get the word out now to see if people might be interested in buying so I could see how much and what to buy! If you are interested at all just message me on facebook or tell my mom :)

Once again I would love for you to support these women and myself in prayer and if possible financially.

Love you all very much and can't thank you enough for what you have already done. You are all such a huge blessing!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Christmas in Uganda?

I have been here for about a month and it feels like home. Everything about this place screams forever. Maybe not Jinja, but Africa. My focus is on this summer and these kids but for the past couple of days I have been thinking when is the next chance I will be able to get back to my second home.

I can't think of a better way to spend Christmas!

I have fallen in love with a boy named Christopher. I have mentioned him before in this blog. Just thinking about him now brings tears of joy to my eyes. His laugh sounds like the woodchucks from the Geico commercials. That right there is perfection. He has a scar from a burn on the side of his head. He has the most beautiful smile with two dimples to match. He is the first toddler boy I see in the mornings and the last one I say goodnight to. Every night I walk to his bunk and say "nkwagala" which means "i love you" and he kisses my forehead. It takes everything in me not to tear up. My heart grows each time.

Now don't get me wrong. Everyone of these kids has a special place in my heart and I would go to the ends of the earth for them. They are all precious in my sight and love them all dearly.

I got to take Christopher to town yesterday. And yes I showed him off to everyone. Around here people just assume that you are the child's mother. I have to admit I don't mind that assumption. We went to a little place called Ozzie's and shared a cinnamon roll and a cheeseburger. Well let me rephrase that... Christopher had a cinnamon roll and my cheeseburger. He occasionally would shove a fry in my mouth. Oh how I love him.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

New kids!

We have gotten two new children at Amani. Enoka is 5 months old and from what I understand has been living off tea. He is so tiny and so beautiful! He will get fattened up here in no time. Another child who is 6 or 7 years old came yesterday. I am not sure the story behind him or what his name is. He doesn't speak english and I don't speak lugandan so that poses a little problem! Prayer for both kids would be greatly appreciated. They are receiving lots of love here and are already getting spoiled by the Mamas and Aunties!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Let us love

Let me just go ahead and say sorry for the rambling in this post! It is very late here and couldn't sleep!

I haven't really talked about what we actually do day to day here at the orphanage so I will give you a little insight into what goes on day to day.

We start our day around 7:30, but luckily the babies are a great alarm clock for about 6 in the morning! I work with the toddlers everyday. I work with the toddlers, which is mostly little boys. After breakfast we brush their teeth, put on diapers, and get clothes (most of the time they put them on backwards). Brushing teeth is always an adventure. Apparently the toothpaste tastes delicious, which leads to eating the toothbrush most of the time! After getting ready for the day, we play with blocks, or legos, stuffed animals, puzzles, or anything really. Reading books is my favorite. I love watching the kids read or reading to them. "Well done well done. Read again read again. Very good Auntie." I think that's how the chant goes. I could be wrong because with toddler boys in sounds more like "fjdkofnohaoggjwka AUNTIE" Up next is snack time. Usually some biscuits (crackers) or some fruit. After snack it's back to play time. Usually we will go outside and let the kids let some energy out. After the second play time lunch is served. Posho, rice, beans, chicken, fish, and other things that I can't spell are all served at some point in the week. After lunch its nap time for a few hours (for the kids and us). Late in the afternoon you either get to take a kid to town or play with them out in the yard depending on what you are scheduled for that day. I love taking kids to town! You take them on a boda, which is a motorcycle. I know in America you would be crazy to take a kid on a strangers motorcycle and just hope he takes you to the right place! After activities or outings you get the kids ready for dinner then on to bed time. Bed time is always interesting. It always brings a smile to my face putting the boys to bed. AH i love getting so many hugs and kisses goodnight.

I know I have said it before but pictures of these kids don't even do them justice. Their personalities are all so different from one another and I am in love with all of them. I would not trade this time with them for anything. The government doesn't like to put kids in orphanages here. Which means these kids come from the worst of the worst. I look at them everyday and see such joy. It's sometime hard to remember where these kids came from. I can't even imagine. I don't want to imagine. It absolutely breaks my heart to even think of some of the situations these precious ones came from. Loving on kids is something I will do for the rest of my life. Whether it is in Africa, Asia, or anywhere else in the world. Love like He loves. This is what we are told to do. You don't have to be called to love on kids or anyone for that matter. WE ARE TOLD. Jesus makes it pretty darn clear. We sometimes use the "i'm not called to do that" phrase. I am pretty sure we don't have to be "called" to love on people. Sure maybe not in Uganda or in India, but God has us where we are for a reason. He puts us with situations intentionally. Take advantage of every opportunity you are given. I am not sure how I am going to leave this place. These kids. These people. When you stare into these kids eyes something inside you breaks. I know it might sound a little cliched, but I don't care. They take apart of you. More and more each day. I know I will leave Jinja in August, but I will never stop loving these kids. Once you have seen kids like these and have been to a place like this it will stick with you forever.

We get the weekends off to do what we want. Which as some of you heard or saw this past weekend I went bungee jumping :) Let me just say it was the most thrilling thing I have ever done! There is a video on facebook if you would like to watch. This weekend me and two other volunteers are going rafting down the nile! Grade 5 rapids and a 5 hour raft time! As much as I love the weekends it means 48 hours away from the ones I love. Luckily I sneak down there every once in a while :)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

"Jesus loves the little children.."

"Jesus loves the little children
all of the children of the world
red and yellow black and white
they are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world."

This would be my new favorite song. William sings it everyday and I can't get enough of it! It makes my heart so happy to hear these precious ones sing about their Savior. The One who loves them unconditionally and forever. To see the pure joy on the kids faces when they sing is incomparable.

I don't have a picture of this one yet, but Christopher is a little ball of energy. You will hear me say this a lot (because I love them all) but I LOVE him. I love when I walk to the front yard he is the first one to greet me. I love when he runs full speed at me. I love catching him and holding him high in the air hearing him laugh uncontrollably.

Last night I put 14 toddler boys to bed again. This time alone :) However, it went better than expected! Putting the boys to bed means I got 14 hugs and kisses goodnight. Jealous? You should be! This makes every day end with a huge smile on my face.

Prayer is still much appreciated and some specifics would be letting the little things that frustrate me go. And my health! I have a cold or something and have had it for about three days now.

I am going to try and update more often, but internet is sometimes a problem here. I also don't want to get on facebook too much because it is starting to become a distraction! I hope everyone is doing well back home! love you all!


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Meet Eric 
This is eric! I am in love. This little one is most definitely an escape artist and the ring leader of the group. I am not with this group of kids, but that doesn't mean I don't sneak away for a little bit :). I get to see him every morning when I walk out of the guest house. "Auntie, Auntie!" How could I not go by and see him! 

The other night I got to put 14 toddler boys to bed. Luckily I had Erin to show me the ropes. If she wouldn't have been there I would have been in a world of trouble. Attempting to get them in there pj's, brushing their teeth, making them take their vitamins are all pretty difficult tasks being a new auntie here. But difficult doesn't mean I don't love it. 

At this point I wouldn't give up getting spit up on, getting susu (pee) all over me, or changing dirty diapers for anything. Because with all of those maybe not so pleasant things comes running around the yard chasing toddler boys, rocking precious newborns to sleep, singing twinkle twinkle little star to the wrong tune, getting hugs and kisses every .031231 seconds, and of course resting in the fact God is always good. Always. 

No matter the circumstance God has a bigger picture in mind. That is most evident here. Recently I met two missionaries. Actually it was within the first 24 hours of being here. Me and Natalie were wide awake do to the time change. The girls saw we were on facebook and told us to come down stairs. They don't stay at Amani so we were a bit confused. We walk in and saw a tiny tiny baby. 10 hours old. They had him on a breathing machine and he was a very pale baby. I won't go into a lot of detail, but healthcare here isn't anything like the US. He did better for a little while, but as the days progressed there were new complications. Baby Joel past away today. I can't say I ever see a plan when a baby passes away, but there is one. God is still God and now he is wrapping His arms around baby Joel. 

Even if it seems the lowest of lows God is working. I think he works best at these times. It means we have to fully rely on him and know that what He has coming is always best for us. How stinking cool is that? We have a Savior who cares so much about us. Absolutely crazy about us! I can never wrap my mind around the fact of how much He loves us, but that is just how big our God is. If we ever think we fully understand God then we are limiting Him. He is more than we could ever imagine. 

Friday, May 20, 2011


Can I just start off by saying I am overwhelmed. In a good way of course, but wow. God is too good. I got here at about 2 a.m. and went to sleep around 3. I woke up to the sounds of babies crying, mamas singing, and monkeys hollering. Why in the world was I not here sooner. I couldn't ask for a better alarm clock!

Today we were able to take it easy and just kind of hang out. Which in my case meant sleep. I got up and took a quick little tour around the place before heading back to bed. I started off seeing the littlest babies. Precious doesn't even begin to describe these little ones. Next was on to the BC room. A little older than the last group. Once again precious doesn't even begin to describe them. Next on the list were the toddlers. A MESS! I was attacked the second I walked in. What a welcome that was! Needless to say my heart is no longer my own. I have been here for less than 24 hours and I can't imagine myself anywhere more perfect.

"auntie! auntie!" I LOVE THOSE WORDS. I am in love with the place. With everything about it. I can't wait for whatever it is God has in store for me!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

23 Days

Time sure has flown by since I learned I was heading to Uganda for the summer. I remember opening the email months ago saying I was able to come. I can't believe this about to finally happen.

At this point it is getting hard to contain my excitement! It's a little embarrassing, but I have this little countdown thing on my computer that I check every day. Or every few hours (like it's going to magically jump ahead a few days).

I love opportunities to get out of my comfort zone. Or maybe the idea of them :) but to be honest I haven't even left the country yet and God sure has pushed me out of mine here. Speaking in front of the church was pretty difficult. There was so much more that needed to be said, but maybe it just wasn't the right timing.

I would've talked a little more about how I can't wait to love on these kids every single day. Read them bible stories that I read as kid. Clean poopy cloth diapers. Sing and dance and run around outside with them till the sun goes down. Clean more poopy cloth diapers. Then maybe tuck them in a sing them to sleep. Wake up and do it all again. To show them that there are people who do love them with everything in them and to help them see the unconditional and incomparable love of God. 

Oh man how I can't wait to be there.

Oh how I can't wait to see what God has in store.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

truly blessed.

God sure has blessed me with a great set of friends. One of my very best friends is heading to Honduras this Saturday for her spring break.

Not the typical college spring break huh?

She is heading to Honduras with T Bar M and gets the opportunity to minister and train the people for a camp they have planted.

I know Erinn doesn't like people to "talk her up" or anything of the sort, but this girl is on fire for the Lord. She is a walking and talking example of a follower Christ. I know that God has big things planned for her not only in Honduras, but when she gets back as well. I know that she is going to be a light to every person she comes in contact with over the break. I can't wait to see the outcome of her ministry and what God will do through her!  

So I hope that you will join me in prayer for her and the people in Honduras over these next few days.

Matthew 28:19

Monday, February 14, 2011

Overjoyed. Overwhelmed. Unworthy.

Well the day has come. I have raised enough money to buy my flight to Africa.

Wait. What?!

I really just bought a flight to Africa. For three months. This is really happening...

Overjoyed and overwhelmed are two words that describe what I am feeling right now. I have been waiting for this day for what seems like forever, and it is finally here! My heart could burst with excitement, but what I didn't expect was to feel a sudden sense of inadequacy.

There isn't a doubt in my mind that Africa is where I am supposed to be, but this feeling in the back of my mind is I am so unworthy of this task.

I am unworthy of a lot of things. Aren't we all! But God has laid this opportunity in my lap and everything is falling into place as it should. So why am I feeling so inadequate?

I was at a retreat listening to a girl speak. She said something that at the time didn't really sink in. Until right about... now. It was something along the lines of feeling inadequate should be a very humbling feeling. Never be ashamed of feeling inadequate. That was a really encouraging thing to hear. Having this feeling certainly kicks us off any pedestal we might think we are on.

Let me tell you its a long way from the top!

I have three months for God to prepare my heart for this summer. And that is my prayer that God break me and break my heart.  

Africa 2011.

Monday, January 24, 2011

When insomnia hits God speaks

I want this blog to be a place where I can be honest. A place of vulnerability. I was reading a friends blog earlier and there was a section that really hit me. Hit me like a freight train really. 

"So why am I not as obsessed with him as he is with me?"

I don't even know how to begin to answer that question. 

I have a relationship with God and I am in love with him, but It's that word OBSESSED. I want it. I want to be so overly obsessed with Jesus that people can see it on my face and in my actions. I want it to be so overflowing that only God can receive the glory for it. But that is the struggle. Making sure the glory is His. I can't tell you how many times it creeps in my mind "I wonder if anyone saw me help this person out." Human nature and Satan just suck. Yes, I did just say that. 

We were not created to live these comfortable suburban lifestyles. We were created for His 
glory and His alone. Created to use every breath we breathe to worship and serve a glorious God. Honestly, some days I sit here and wonder what and who I am living for. I know I am not using every breath God is granting me to give Him praise. This almighty, all powerful, creator of all things, and just plain awesome God is worthy of every second of everyday of our lives. And I don't give it to Him. I go about my days pretty much thinking of everything except how great God is. 

I need to be broken.  

I thank God for his unending mercy and grace, because I know what I deserve.  

I hope Erinn doesn't mind me quoting from her blog, but this girl has a gift! God is evident in her writing and here is a link to her blog that she just started!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What is on my heart

Let me start this blog of by saying I am not the most eloquent writer. Like for instance I just looked up the word eloquent to see if I was using it correctly. This blog is mainly for my family, church family, and friends to keep up with me while I am in Jinja, Uganda this summer. I figured I would go ahead and practice my blogging skills and get into the habit of actually posting things. So the posts up until my trip will more than likely be about how God is preparing my heart for this trip.

To be honest with you I never thought I would go to Africa. I have two older sisters, and one of which has a heart for Africa. She has been twice. So my mindset was that was her place of ministry, and that I didn't need to go there. I was convinced I was supposed to be in South America or Asia. To be even more honest I was scared of Africa. I don't really know why I was scared, but I was. It's funny how God works. He takes you out of your comfort zones and puts you in places you would never think of going. I wrestled with God about Africa for a couple of weeks, but in the end we all know who was going to win that match. I struggled with the thought that I was going for the wrong reasons, but soon came to realize that was satan messing with my head. I know that going to Africa seems like the "trendy" thing to do, but like I said earlier I had no intention of going. Now I can't see myself anywhere but Africa. I'm not sure if this sounds crazy to people or not, but even though I haven't been to Africa yet those people hold my heart. 

I go to sleep at night replaying the images of precious kids I have seen in someone's Facebook album or hearing stories from my sister. A more sobering thought that crosses my mind a few times a day is the number 147. 147 MILLION to be exact. That is the current number of orphans in the world. Wow. Really? That many... I can't even wrap my head around that. I get a lump in my throat and my heart breaks when I hear that. 43.4 million orphans are in Sub-Saharan Africa and Uganda is home to many infected with HIV/AIDS. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27. How can we not help these people? I am so guilty of just passing people by these days, but I pray everyday for God to break me of that. We treat people so differently based on a lot of things. Financial status being one of them. In America we are so abundantly blessed while people all over the world live on $1 a day. We have so much that we are able to work with. I think it's time we start using our blessings to make the name of Jesus known and love like He loves us.