Monday, June 6, 2011

Let us love

Let me just go ahead and say sorry for the rambling in this post! It is very late here and couldn't sleep!

I haven't really talked about what we actually do day to day here at the orphanage so I will give you a little insight into what goes on day to day.

We start our day around 7:30, but luckily the babies are a great alarm clock for about 6 in the morning! I work with the toddlers everyday. I work with the toddlers, which is mostly little boys. After breakfast we brush their teeth, put on diapers, and get clothes (most of the time they put them on backwards). Brushing teeth is always an adventure. Apparently the toothpaste tastes delicious, which leads to eating the toothbrush most of the time! After getting ready for the day, we play with blocks, or legos, stuffed animals, puzzles, or anything really. Reading books is my favorite. I love watching the kids read or reading to them. "Well done well done. Read again read again. Very good Auntie." I think that's how the chant goes. I could be wrong because with toddler boys in sounds more like "fjdkofnohaoggjwka AUNTIE" Up next is snack time. Usually some biscuits (crackers) or some fruit. After snack it's back to play time. Usually we will go outside and let the kids let some energy out. After the second play time lunch is served. Posho, rice, beans, chicken, fish, and other things that I can't spell are all served at some point in the week. After lunch its nap time for a few hours (for the kids and us). Late in the afternoon you either get to take a kid to town or play with them out in the yard depending on what you are scheduled for that day. I love taking kids to town! You take them on a boda, which is a motorcycle. I know in America you would be crazy to take a kid on a strangers motorcycle and just hope he takes you to the right place! After activities or outings you get the kids ready for dinner then on to bed time. Bed time is always interesting. It always brings a smile to my face putting the boys to bed. AH i love getting so many hugs and kisses goodnight.

I know I have said it before but pictures of these kids don't even do them justice. Their personalities are all so different from one another and I am in love with all of them. I would not trade this time with them for anything. The government doesn't like to put kids in orphanages here. Which means these kids come from the worst of the worst. I look at them everyday and see such joy. It's sometime hard to remember where these kids came from. I can't even imagine. I don't want to imagine. It absolutely breaks my heart to even think of some of the situations these precious ones came from. Loving on kids is something I will do for the rest of my life. Whether it is in Africa, Asia, or anywhere else in the world. Love like He loves. This is what we are told to do. You don't have to be called to love on kids or anyone for that matter. WE ARE TOLD. Jesus makes it pretty darn clear. We sometimes use the "i'm not called to do that" phrase. I am pretty sure we don't have to be "called" to love on people. Sure maybe not in Uganda or in India, but God has us where we are for a reason. He puts us with situations intentionally. Take advantage of every opportunity you are given. I am not sure how I am going to leave this place. These kids. These people. When you stare into these kids eyes something inside you breaks. I know it might sound a little cliched, but I don't care. They take apart of you. More and more each day. I know I will leave Jinja in August, but I will never stop loving these kids. Once you have seen kids like these and have been to a place like this it will stick with you forever.

We get the weekends off to do what we want. Which as some of you heard or saw this past weekend I went bungee jumping :) Let me just say it was the most thrilling thing I have ever done! There is a video on facebook if you would like to watch. This weekend me and two other volunteers are going rafting down the nile! Grade 5 rapids and a 5 hour raft time! As much as I love the weekends it means 48 hours away from the ones I love. Luckily I sneak down there every once in a while :)

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