Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Meet Eric 
This is eric! I am in love. This little one is most definitely an escape artist and the ring leader of the group. I am not with this group of kids, but that doesn't mean I don't sneak away for a little bit :). I get to see him every morning when I walk out of the guest house. "Auntie, Auntie!" How could I not go by and see him! 

The other night I got to put 14 toddler boys to bed. Luckily I had Erin to show me the ropes. If she wouldn't have been there I would have been in a world of trouble. Attempting to get them in there pj's, brushing their teeth, making them take their vitamins are all pretty difficult tasks being a new auntie here. But difficult doesn't mean I don't love it. 

At this point I wouldn't give up getting spit up on, getting susu (pee) all over me, or changing dirty diapers for anything. Because with all of those maybe not so pleasant things comes running around the yard chasing toddler boys, rocking precious newborns to sleep, singing twinkle twinkle little star to the wrong tune, getting hugs and kisses every .031231 seconds, and of course resting in the fact God is always good. Always. 

No matter the circumstance God has a bigger picture in mind. That is most evident here. Recently I met two missionaries. Actually it was within the first 24 hours of being here. Me and Natalie were wide awake do to the time change. The girls saw we were on facebook and told us to come down stairs. They don't stay at Amani so we were a bit confused. We walk in and saw a tiny tiny baby. 10 hours old. They had him on a breathing machine and he was a very pale baby. I won't go into a lot of detail, but healthcare here isn't anything like the US. He did better for a little while, but as the days progressed there were new complications. Baby Joel past away today. I can't say I ever see a plan when a baby passes away, but there is one. God is still God and now he is wrapping His arms around baby Joel. 

Even if it seems the lowest of lows God is working. I think he works best at these times. It means we have to fully rely on him and know that what He has coming is always best for us. How stinking cool is that? We have a Savior who cares so much about us. Absolutely crazy about us! I can never wrap my mind around the fact of how much He loves us, but that is just how big our God is. If we ever think we fully understand God then we are limiting Him. He is more than we could ever imagine. 

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